Desktop Goose's Resource Hub


An unofficial place to share your mods, etc. PRs and stars are appreciated!

View the Project on GitHub DesktopGooseUnofficial/ResourceHub

✅ Honcker download count badge

A very simple mod that allows you to make your goose honk at will with the F key




DesktopGoose v0.3


The launcher is an easier way to install and use mods.

However, you can still manually download mods on this website!

Grab a copy: Launcher Download.

Installation guide

First, make sure that you are running Desktop Goose v0.3.

There should be a “Mods” folder in the “Assets” folder. If not, you’re running v0.2. Go to the Desktop Goose page on to download v0.3. The macOS version does not support mods yet.

Need help? Something not working right? Feel free to ask for support in the #goose-mods channel on the discord server.

  1. If you have the Goose running, close him first.
  2. Go to the Mods folder in the Assets folder.
  3. Create a folder with the name Honcker.
  4. Place the Honcker.dll file inside the Honcker folder.
  5. Go back to the Desktop Goose folder.
  6. If you haven’t already, open config.ini and change EnableMods=False to EnableMods=True
  7. If you haven’t already, save the config.ini file.
  8. Done!

Source code

 public class ModMain : IMod

        public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(Keys vKey);
        public void Init()
            InjectionPoints.PreTickEvent += PreTick;
        public void PreTick(GooseEntity goose) {
            bool pressingHonk = false;
            if (GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.F) != 0)
                if (!pressingHonk)
                    pressingHonk = true;
                pressingHonk = false;